350 Santa Barbara is the local chapter of the international grassroots climate justice group, 350.org.
We focus locally on:
- Keeping new fossil fuels in the ground by stopping new oil infrastructure development
- Supporting a just transition to an economy based on renewable energy
- Building an inclusive, diverse, and empowered climate justice movement in Santa Barbara County
We work in coalition with other environmental, climate, and social justice groups. All of us are volunteers; we have no paid staff and our local chapter does not have 501(C)(3) status. 350 Santa Barbara accepts small cash or check donations, but these are not tax-deductible.
If you would like to support 350.org nationally and internationally you can make a tax-deductible donation to our parent organization 350.org
Please attend one of our public meetings, sign up for our email action alerts, or contact us (350santabarbara (at) gmail.com). Start working with us and help ensure a safer climate and environment for everyone!