Youth V Gov Santa Barbara Rally!

Sunday October 28, 2018 • 12:00 PM
People’s Park, Isla Vista, CA (961-965 Embarcadero Del Norte, Isla Vista, across from CAJE)


Join us for a rally to be a part of the #TrialoftheCentury and support the young plaintiffs in the historic Juliana v. United States court case.

Our freedom depends on a climate system that will sustain human life. Let’s show the government that it has a duty to prepare and implement a Climate Recovery Plan to protect our basic and most fundamental rights!

  • Acoustic Music
  • Banners
  • Speakers
  • Open Mic

Please bring your enthusiasm, your children and your stories!

Another reason to show your support — The trial is scheduled to begin next Monday at the Federal District Court in Eugene, Oregon, but the Trump administration (for the second time) is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to intervene and stop the trial.

Let the youth be heard!


Our rally is co-sponsored by the Sierra Club Santa Barbara Group and the Santa Barbara Standing Rock Coalition.