You are Invited to Gather with Others (online)  to Envision a Local Green New Deal

What kind of future do you want to see?
Can you imagine what a world free of fossil fuel pollution would look like?
What would it feel like to be free from the dangers of ever-increasing climate disruption?
What do we need to do locally to transform to a new economy and way of life based on clean, renewable energy?
How do we accomplish a just transition, providing fairly for displaced workers and for the most vulnerable members of our communities?


What: Online Zoom House Party – small group conversation with other local “visionaries”


Wednesday, December 2 – 6:00 pm

Tuesday, December 8 – 6:00 pm

Thursday, December 10 – 11:00 am

To Attend:  Please RSVP to 350santabarbara (at) gmail dot com (make sure to tell us the date you wish to attend). We will send you a Zoom link so that you can join the house party.

What will happen next? The house parties are a project of the Central Coast Climate Justice Network, a coalition of environmental and justice groups from Santa Barbara and Ventura counties. Food and Water Watch Action, 350SB, Community Environmental Council, and many other organizations are participating in the project.

The ideas and data gathered from the house party conversations will be compiled by a group of researchers at UCSB. Their report will be shared with county and city governments. The County of Santa Barbara is currently in the process of writing a Climate Action Plan and other local governments are also seeking input.