The Power of Participation: How you can help good environmental bills become law
This year, and in coming years, California can protect the climate, the environment, and people’s health through sound environmental laws.
To learn about the California legislative process and the points where ordinary people can help good bills get signed into law, join us on Thursday, August 15 at 6:00 pm, at CEC’s Environmental Hub, 2019 State St., Santa Barbara.
As California residents, we can influence the direction of environmental and climate legislation in our state. Since California is often touted as the fifth largest economy in the world, we have an outsize impact.
Every year hundreds of bills make their way through the California legislature. This year a remarkable number of good environmental bills have been proposed. Many have already fallen by the wayside, but some have survived. Final votes will be cast on surviving bills during Floor Days, August, 19th – 30th. It is a crucial time to let our representatives know that we are watching and what bills we support. We also need to urge the Governor to sign the bills.
Our panel of speakers will demystify what’s happening in Sacramento, and share their insights on effective activism. Speakers include Michelle Sevilla, 350SB steering committee member and Director of Communications for Assemblymember Steve Bennett; Kathi King from Community Environmental Council; Carla Mena, Director of Policy & Legislative Affairs for Los Padres ForestWatch; and Katie Davis, Vice-Chair of Sierra Club, California.
Join us and find out what you can do!